When it comes to a cloud-based MIS, over 70% of Secondary Schools in the UK have chosen Bromcom. Our combination of one SLA, all functionality and all data in one place, has won over countless schools.
Book a DemoOur School MIS features everything from Assessment to Parental engagement, Analytics and Clubs management.
Don’t be tied to a desk, our school management system is accessible from any device with a web browser.
Identify issues before they get out of hand with our advanced analytics and automated alerts
Our Assessment system is highly flexible and gives your school the freedom to track however you see fit. We provide all the tools you need to record both summative and formative assessments, then analyse performance.
Communicate with parents, students and staff at the click of a button with our built in SMS messaging, email and push notifications for the Student and Parent Apps
Our Report Groups can automatically add or remove students to their cohort based on rules of your choosing. They can be used to define at-risk groups based on a variety of performance factors, such as assessment, behaviour or attendance. They can be used as filters throughout the MIS and staff can be automatically notified when pupils enter or leave the group.
Demographics and pupil KPIs such as attendance, behaviour and attainment are available at every level. Examine a wide variety of metrics with both static figures and general trends. All based on customisable settings such as year to date, this year vs last year and so on. Our dashboards contain headline figures and multiple graphs and timelines with drill down functionality. This allows you to identify an issue, drill down to a table of pupils and then right into the individual’s record. In addition, our unique link to Microsoft Power BI (Business Intelligence) allows schools to create their own custom dashboards and present them within the MIS.
Automate regular tasks to have more time for teaching and learning. Publish them to the parent app to save printing information.
Bromcom MIS conforms to all of the DfE’s statutory data collection requirements. We provide the tools to create school returns easily and seamlessly.
Keep track of attendance with automated alerts and our advanced dashboard. Get notified when students are getting close to becoming a persistent absentee and record interventions to demonstrate your course of action.
Automate Behaviour outcomes, notify staff/parents and trigger follow up events. Behaviour Pathways can be used for any type of event and can be triggered in a variety of ways. For example, if a pupil reached a certain number of negative points or events during a timeframe, selected staff could be informed via email, additional sanctions could be automatically applied and parents could be notified. Alternatively, in a positive context, a staff member could be notified on Friday afternoon of all the pupils that have had 5 merits during the week and automatically generate a certificate report. Schools have full control and can define pathways based on their behaviour policy.
MyChildAtSchool is our online portal for parents that provides a view to their child's performance at school. Behaviour, attendance, announcements, attainment and all communication with the school can be accessed here. There’s even a fully featured school shop and parents evening booking system.
Save hours by administrating clubs and school trips in Bromcom. Parents can book places and make payments online, with pupils automatically being assigned to the relevant groups within the MIS. Schools can offer to break payments into instalments and parents can use the app to keep track of the payment schedule.
An easy drag and drop system to assign cover quickly and easily. Assign staff absences within this section and choose from teachers, cover supervisors or agency staff.