How would you like to contact Bromcom?

Get in touch.

Need support?

Our Bromcom Support portal contains a wide arrange of help articles, FAQs along with the ability to log cases and check on any outstanding issues. Alternatively, feel free to call our support line via the number below.

Need help with the apps?

We’ve put together some straightforward guides for using our apps but if you need more assistance, please contact your school as we are unable to deal with direct queries from parents and students. If you would like to provide feedback or report an issue with our apps please leave a use the Appstore or Google Play.

At Bromcom, we use the contact information you provide to us to contact you about our products and services. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time. For information on how to unsubscribe, as well as our privacy practices and commitment to protecting your privacy, take a look at our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions